

const credentialsController = new CredentialsController(client);

Class Name



Create Credentials

Start here by creating your credentials

Be careful to save the private key that is returned. You will not be able to retrieve it again. You can only have one private key at a time. Private key is not to be shared with anyone, do not expose it in your frontend code.

async createCredentials(
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<Credentials>>


Parameter Type Tags Description
requestOptions RequestOptions \| undefined Optional Pass additional request options.

Response Type


Example Usage

try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await credentialsController.createCredentials();
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
401 Unauthorized UnauthorizedError
429 Too Many Requests TooManyRequestsError
500 Internal Server Error InternalServerError

Rotate Credentials

Rotate credentials

Generate a new private key and invalidate the current one. Use this in case your private key is compromised or for security reasons.

async rotateCredentials(
  xAPIKEY: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<Credentials>>


Parameter Type Tags Description
xAPIKEY string Header, Required Private key. Create a tenant to generate.
requestOptions RequestOptions \| undefined Optional Pass additional request options.

Response Type


Example Usage

const xAPIKEY = 'X-API-KEY2';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await credentialsController.rotateCredentials(xAPIKEY);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
401 Unauthorized UnauthorizedError
429 Too Many Requests TooManyRequestsError
500 Internal Server Error InternalServerError

Delete Credentials

Delete credentials

Invalidate your current private key. You will no longer be able to create or read feedback.

async deleteCredentials(
  xAPIKEY: string,
  requestOptions?: RequestOptions
): Promise<ApiResponse<void>>


Parameter Type Tags Description
xAPIKEY string Header, Required Private key. Create a tenant to generate.
requestOptions RequestOptions \| undefined Optional Pass additional request options.

Response Type


Example Usage

const xAPIKEY = 'X-API-KEY2';
try {
  const { result, ...httpResponse } = await credentialsController.deleteCredentials(xAPIKEY);
  // Get more response info...
  // const { statusCode, headers } = httpResponse;
} catch(error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiError) {
    const errors = error.result;
    // const { statusCode, headers } = error;


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
401 Unauthorized UnauthorizedError
429 Too Many Requests TooManyRequestsError
500 Internal Server Error InternalServerError